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NextBV is a web application designed for repair center technicians to view and interact with schematic and boardivew files. It supports a wide range of file formats and works seamlessly on any device with a web browser.

Demo Board



Key Features

  1. Extensive File Format Support: Compatible with around 20 different file formats.
  2. Cross-Platform Accessibility: As a web-based application, it operates on any device with a modern browser.
  3. Cloud Storage: Securely upload and access boardview and schematic files from anywhere.
  4. Advanced Content Search: Instantly search through the content of uploaded boardview and schematic files.
  5. PDF Cross-Reference: Locate components in PDF schematics by selecting them in the boardview.

Role and Contributions

As a sole developer and owner of NextBV, I was responsible for:

Challenges Overcome

Results & Impact

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