AcuDo is an electroacupuncture system designed to non-invasively measure electrical skin resistance. This project is based on Dr. Yoshio Nakatani's theory of Ryodoraku acupuncture.
The system consists of two main components: hardware and software. The hardware is a wireless resistance measurement device that adheres to the requirements of Nakatani's theory, such as operating at 12.6V. The software includes a client-side mobile application and a backend service. The mobile app receives measurement data from the hardware and sends it to the backend, which processes the data and generates reports.
- Landing Page: TypeScript, Next.js (React)
- Mobile Application: TypeScript, React Native, MobX, Babylon.js
- Backend: TypeScript, Node.js, AdonisJS, MySQL
- Device: EasyEDA, Fusion 360, and many others
- Device Firmware: C, TI-RTOS
This project stands out because it involves both hardware and software development. Here are some highlights from the development process:
Initial Prototyping
Initially, I experimented with different approaches for the hardware component. One of the early prototypes was built using an Arduino Pro Mini with a small OLED display to show current measurement values. However, this version lacked battery charging and wireless data transfer capabilities.
Device made with Arduino Pro Mini
Battery Charging Circuit
Next, I explored various solutions for safe battery charging circuits. Below is a photo of one of the test boards used during this phase:
Charger board with battery
Bluetooth Integration
The subsequent step was enabling data transfer from the hardware to the application via Bluetooth. This required building another PCB:
Assembled board with Bluetooth module and charger
Manufacturing process photos
Portability Enhancements
To enhance portability, I developed a board that integrates all necessary components onto a single PCB. This version can be turned on/off with a button and features a micro USB charging port on the side. Here are some images from the development process:
Photos of the first portable version board, model render, and assembly
Final Design
After verifying the device's functionality, I commissioned a metal case to evaluate its appearance and feel in a production-grade enclose. Although costly for small quantities, the precision manufacturing required for the power button and USB connector holes resulted in a superior product compared to earlier versions.
Device in factory-quality case
To simplify manufacturing, I relocated the charging port to the end face of the device, eliminating the need for precise hole placement in the metal case. Additionally, I implemented a touch-based activation method, removing the hardware button entirely and streamlining the design and assembly process.
The final variant of the device. Diameter: 12.7 mm (1/2 inch), Length 135 mm (~5.3 inches).
Through this project, I gained extensive experience in developing a hardware device from concept to completion, creating firmware, and transferring data to a mobile application. I also learned how to develop cross-platform mobile application and navigate the iOS App Store review process.
Mobile Application UI screenshots